Artists Required
Are you an artist who could benefit from art facilities, networking and exhibition space in Stranraer and the Rhins? Hi, There are so many little seeds beginning to sprout around Stranraer at the moment. Exciting times. One of those shoots for the artists is the Creative Hub at the top of King Street , the Street Art project (here is a link to the job ad for the artist if you haven't seen it yet. Street Artist for Stranraer Perhaps it is you, perhaps you know someone who would be interested?) The other key project is the art centre for the renovation of the George Hotel . This is becoming very real. At these meetings, on the 20th of September, you will meet with the architect and discuss your needs so they can be built into the project and all the necessary equipment sourced and the space in the building allocated. I hope you can make it. Please click one of the links below to book your place and be a part of these changes and make sure you get what yo...